Tag: airbnb

Where to stay for your holiday in France (Airbnb or Hotels)?

Where to stay for your holiday in France (Airbnb or Hotels)?

The travel advisories kept changing. Our minds were divided on which VTL country to go to. By the time we decided on France, we only had 2.5 weeks to our departure. Accommodation options were limited because tourism was still very much active in that part 

Stay near Taichung Train Station (airbnb)

Stay near Taichung Train Station (airbnb)

Heading to Taichung? Some might prefer to stay near Fengjia, but we think it’s more convenient to stay near Taichung train station. In this way, we can walk to the train station with our luggage after we check out. And for Fengjia, we had a 

Stay near Taipei Main Station (airbnb above Q Square Mall)

Stay near Taipei Main Station (airbnb above Q Square Mall)

Are you thinking of where to stay in Taipei? I would recommend you to stay near Taipei Main Station. It’s a convenient location with easy access to Taipei’s transportation network of trains, subways (including airport subway) and buses. There’s a popular recommendation, CityInn Hotel – Taipei Station 

Review: Airbnb Stay in HongKong

Price? S$305 for 4 nights, via airbnb.com.sg/rooms/1490502 When? 4 days, January 2014 Accommodation Type? Room. The owner, Tak Seng, has a few rooms. And I stayed in Room B. Apparently one of the smaller rooms. See his all listings under him to find the room size that best suits your 

☾ Sleep ✰

▲ Accommodation | ▲ Useful Links Hotel, Hostel, Etc Phew! I had a hard time booking for so many accommodation at such an awkward time – not v advance, not v last minute. No early bird specials nor last minute deals (www.lastminute.com.au/hotel/australia). :( There’s so much